The temperature on the video card is already amazing, but I noticed that the fan speed is defaulted to only around 30%. I am wondering if It would hurt the drive any if I increased it to 100%, just to ensure it stays good and cold. But, I am reluctant to do so as I am afraid it might decrease the life span of the video card. I have already gone through quite a few video cards (for various reasons, my last one's fan kept getting stuck making it run idle at about 110.) I just want to ensure that this video card stays cold so I don't have any more video problems. I have it set to 50% at the moment and Idling at 58 Celsius.|||Video cards adjust the fan speed on their own depending on how much cooling is needed. If it's at 30% now, that's probably because it's not that hot. However, when you're playing a game full screen and giving the video card a lot of work to do, the fan should scale up to a higher percentage as needed. It's probably best to leave the fan speed settings alone as they're already being managed automatically.|||A faster fan won't hurt your video card but will use more power and will make more noise. Since people these days want their pc's to be quiet the fan's speed is set to 30% by default.
And as the previous answerer said often the speed of the fan is managed by your pc depending on how intensive you use the card. Changing the speed won't do the card any harm but you'll be using more power which is not necessary.|||The card might get overheated when you set it for 100%. Its default configuration was 30% and there is definitely a reason to do that. I am no IT expert, but I know that going much more beyond that its expectation only bring more harm than good|||58? That's hot. I mean it is still well within the "safe" range of GPUs but wow. At idle it should be a LOT cooler. Do you have ALL of your wires either tucked behind your motherboard or zip tied securely and SAFELY( not too tight) out of the way? Do you have more air going in than out? It's best to create a bit of a positive pressure in your case to get behind the motherboard and have a nice flow of air for your GPU and CPU heatinks/fans. Apparently you don't have good airflow, have a GFX card that doesn't have just external airflow or your room is HOT. It best to have a couple fans upfront, a fan or 2 on the side and 1 120mm fan in the back for exhaust. If you have a GFX card like this… then the airflow isn't being directed and the heat from the card is simply heating up the interior of your case. If you had a card like this… then you have enternal exhaust which means your case will stay cooler with 99% of the heat going out the back of your case. The same applies to your CPU heatsink/fan/cooler. If it isn't designed sorrectly and immediately exhausting the aire then the extra heat from the CPU can affect the GPU. I chose a card that included a LIFETIME warranty. If my fan dies I send in the card and it is replaced. I have a couple old HD3870s on standby should that day ever come.
As far as your question it will reduce the lifespan of your fan but that would be countered by the cooler GPU so I would say maybe 60% at all times and maybe higher during gaming sessions. YOu definitely need to address the other issues that is keeping your GPU so hot. If you made your cooling system more efficient then you might just be able to leave that baby on auto and be cooler than you are now. Your card does know itself best so if in doubt leave on auto. are my temps. Pay no attention to the GTX580. I just tried it out earlier(* the skin) to see if it would work and I forgot to change it back. But anyways I have the GTX 570 Classified HD.
Monitors used…|||as the last people stated 30% is probably the standard running speed for the card. it will make it cooler if you increase the speed but chances are it will not increase performance and will take more energy. as the the first two also commented most fans have automatic throttling depending on the temperature, this is easy enough to check if it's a fan external from the card, where the fan is plugged in should be some wires. if it's 3 wires the third is the automatic throttling, if it's an older model it'll only have 2 which means it's your standard fan. if it's standard you can throw it to 100% when doing a lot of work. if it's throttling just leave it. it will adjust itself how it wants to.
that was a long way of saying: it's probably auto throttling and to leave it alone.
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