Thursday, April 26, 2012

Will underclocking my 9800gt video card reduce the Temperature?

i want to leave my pc on over night to download files from the internet but i don't want my video card to be running at 45 C all night when im not even using it for anything my monitor is off. so i was thing that i use ntune to really underclock the core and memory frequencies.will uderclocking cause damage the card thanks for any info|||Dude, relax. Your card is in no danger, in fact it's in a very safe place because the computer keeps it at a constant 45C. That's a very safe temperature for a vidcard and by keeping it at a constant temperature, you prevent expansion and contraction in the circuits and therefore extend the life of your card. I wouldn't worry too much, another year and the 9800 GT will have gone the way of the 9500 GT. (i.e. It will only cost $50 to replace it.) Keep in mind something else too:

If your card is made by BFG, EVGA, Sparkle or XFX, it has a lifetime guarantee and running in a computer case at stock speeds like it's supposed to is NOT going to void your warranty.|||It will reduce the temperature a little, but first I would look into how you're cooling it. If the card has a fan on the board, I would check to make sure it's still working. Open the case and see if it moves when the computer is on. I'd also check to make sure any heat sinks are on tight. You can also buy a fan that will fit into an expansion slot. Put it right under the video card and see if that brings the temperature down.…|||Youre good there. Mine runs a lot cooler. Might be the airflow in your comp chasis.

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